Puro Squeeze Play - acrylic on canvas, 16 in x 20 in, 2022
The Whataburger Museum of Art
Hispanic Heritage Month - Savor Life To the Fullest
Best of San Antonio 2022 Mural & Cover Feature
house paint on stucco
San Antonio Current office building
915 Dallas St, San Antonio
(photo courtesy San Antonio Current, photographer: Jaime Monson)
Music In The City
acrylic on birch wood panels, each 63 in x 23 in x 8 in, 2021
San Antonio City Hall permanent installation
(left) Tejano Panel (top to bottom)
Steve “El Parche” Jordan
Eva Ybarra “Queen of the Accordion”
Christopher Ramirez
(middle) Jazz Panel (top to bottom)
Ernestine Washington performing at The Keyhole Club, ca. 1946
Jim Cullum Sr. and Jr. and The Happy Jazz Band on the San Antonio River, ca. 1963
Don Albert Dominique and House Radio Band at The Keyhole Club, ca. 1950,
Cora Woods (singer), Herb Hall (clarinet), “Cuzzan” (drummer), and others
(right) Heavy Metal Panel (top to bottom)
Wicked Angel playing at South San Antonio High School
Steve Cooper of S.A. Slayer, at Villa Fontana, L.A. Slayer vs. S.A. Slayer, ca. 1984
Buster Grant of Wyzard, Chis Cronk of Karion, Jason McMaster of Watchtower, Art Villareal of Karion
(photo courtesy City of San Antonio, Department Arts & Culture)
Portrait of the Ditch Masters
acrylic on canvas, 24 in x 36 in, 2020
San Antonio World Heritage Office
part of Dia de los Muertos exhibit, “Alive in Memory and Spirit”
In The Zone
vinyl mural, 10 ft x 30 ft, 2020, 1010 South Flores Apartments
Rocky Creek Partners, San Antonio
(de-installed in early 2022)
2021 Holiday Greeting Card
Pitt pastel and Prismacolor pencil on toned mixed-media paper
Visit San Antonio.com, The Atkins Group
drawing of Ruby City for lithograph print
Prismacolor pencil and ballpoint pen on watercolor paper, 2019
Joeris General Contractors
Deconstruction Jeans
acrylic, fabric, paper and marker on canvas, 72 in x 48 in, 2011, private collection
Lee Jeans
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© 2022 Artist Raul Rene Gonzalez